Straw and CLT home in Veghel

In Veghel, we built this sustainable home. A straw-bale house with CLT walls, a Douglas fir construction, loam plaster, cork floor and bamboo cladding. Straw construction is a sustainable and, for us, a new way of building. But of course, we also focus on the future, are open to new things and enjoy taking on challenges.

The advantage of straw is that by building with this natural material, you build a comfortable and energy-efficient home. A home that is vapour-permeable and moisture-regulating, which contributes to a healthy indoor climate.This material has already gone beyond circularity and can possibly be reused or ploughed under after the life of the building. CLT walls are made of cross-layer wood have the same strength and application possibilities as steel and concrete. But natural and sustainable. A particularly beautiful project we are proud of. We realised this in collaboration with Peter Davids, AWood, van den Biggelaar installers, JM Concepts, Rob Mulders of Van de Beeten.

Project details

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